Digital Transformation


Employ technology smarter and compete in a digital world

Construction companies are taking steps to embrace digitization and lean methodologies, to reduce waste, be more agile, efficient, communicative and collaborative but also as clients are increasingly expecting timely, connected information which serves throughout the construction process and on into the lifecycle of the building post-handover.

We offer a number of services which enable you to understand new digital environments, acquire the necessary new skills and provide impartial advice on trends, technologies, mandates and strategies affecting the construction sector.


AR/MR/VR Visualization Services

Helping you adopt technology to enable visualization eg supporting the building process, the facilities management process and the marketing of the building.

BS EN ISO 19650 Certification

We can provide assistance and guidance on becoming BS EN ISO 19650 certified, looking at required naming and workflow requirements.


Content Creation

Helping you create content for the model authoring platforms.

Digital Survey

We can provide laser scanning services to support the capture of existing environments or verify new construction projects with the added service of developing the scan into a 3D modeling deliverable.


Site Robotics

Empowering you with self-driving vehicles, computer-controlled manufacturing robots, 3D printers and drones to automate traditional construction activities.

Would you like to find out more?

Please submit your inquiry here
and a member of our team will get in touch.
Alternatively call 800.336.3375